Kimberly Strom, LISW, PhD
Kim Strom is the Smith P. Theimann Jr. Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Professional Practice at the University of North Carolina (USA) School of Social Work and Director of the University’s Office of Ethics and Policy. Dr Strom has been an educator for over 30 years and has authored over 90 books, articles, and chapters on ethics and practice. She is an internationally recognized scholar on moral courage, ethics, leadership, and social work education and has provided training and technical assistance throughout the U.S. and in Saudi Arabia, Germany, Georgia, Slovenia, China, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and other countries. She represents North America on the Ethics Commission of the International Federation of Social Work.
About SG Solutions
SG Solutions was created to complement Dr. Kim Strom's work as a professor. Through consulting, training, and writing she shares the stories of individuals who live their values, to shine a light on their courage and seed more of it in others. In an authentic, meaningful and humorous way, her seminars and presentations aim to further understanding about the origins and expressions of moral courage. They create space for discovery and dialogue so that participants can learn from and be strengthened by the examples of others.
About Kim
Case Western Reserve University
Ph.D. Mandel School of Applied Science
Dissertation title: The Effects of Insurance Reimbursement on Services by Social Workers in Private Practice.
Kim Strom is the Smith P. Theimann Jr. Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Professional Practice at the University of North Carolina (USA) School of Social Work and Director of the University’s Office of Ethics and Policy. Dr Strom has been an educator for over 30 years and has authored over 90 books, articles, and chapters on ethics and practice. She is an internationally recognized scholar on moral courage, ethics, leadership, and social work education and has provided training and technical assistance throughout the U.S. and in Saudi Arabia, Germany, Georgia, Slovenia, China, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and other countries. She represents North America on the Ethics Commission of the International Federation of Social Work.
1980 - 1981
Adelphi University
M.S.W. School of Social Work
1987 - 1980
University of Maine
B.A. with high honors
Major: Sociology (Social Work option)
Specialization: Education, History