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Trainings and Workshops

All workshops can be customized for 1-4 hours; some workshops can be customized for 6 hours.  Contact for more details.

Advanced Ethical Issues


Social workers, psychologists, nurses and other helping professionals are not immune to ethical challenges as they strive to address difficult situations with scarce resources and increased pressures for productivity and efficiency. Often the dilemmas these professionals face are not simply a choice between right and wrong, but between two imperfect choices.

This program builds upon fundamental knowledge of professional ethics and assists participants in examining and acting on difficult ethical dilemmas. After reviewing core ethical standards and a decision-making framework, participants will discuss complex dilemmas provided by the instructor as well as those generated by the group, to determine options for addressing vexing ethics challenges. In particular, participants will

  • Compare the features of prominent codes of ethics

  • Review the major standards for ethical practice in the helping professions

  • Learn a model for examining ethical dilemmas.

  • Apply the standards and model to at least two cases drawn from different fields of practice and different levels of intervention

  • Identify resources for lifelong learning.



Am I My Colleague’s Keeper?: Ethics in Peer Groups

Workshop can be modified for student audiences.


While codes of ethics address professional responsibilities toward clients, an often overlooked yet challenging area of ethical conduct involves responsibilities to colleagues. How can co-workers distinguish between differences in personal style and deviations from appropriate practice? When colleagues know of problems in an associate’s personal life (such as addiction, serious illness or relationship problems) should they take action at the workplace? Even when behavior is clearly impaired, incompetent, or unethical, how much can and should colleagues reasonably do to address the problems?

              This session will examine the spectrum of ethical issues professionals encounter in colleagues and the prevailing ethical standards to address them. The workshop also focuses on the necessity of moral courage to face such matters, and the skills and strategies needed to intervene effectively. This workshop can be modified for student audiences.



Participants in this seminar learn:

  • Troubling behaviors that are commonly revealed in co-worker, colleague, or supervisory relationships.

  • Applicable standards from psychology, social work, counseling and other codes of ethics.

  • Steps in ethical decision making

  • The features and impediments to moral courage

  • Communication skills and other change strategies to address troubling conduct by colleagues.

Illustrative case examples




Authentic Academic Leadership


              The literature abounds with models for successful leadership. Authentic leadership encourages leaders to know themselves, and use their abilities intentionally and transparently to advance organizational goals. Associated with servant leadership and principle-driven models, authentic leadership emphasizes genuineness, candor and integrity to build trusting and successful work teams.


Objectives: At the conclusion of this session, participants will:

  • Understand the elements of authentic, value-based leadership

  • Be able to identify the expressions of authentic leadership

  • Understand the challenges to leading with authenticity.

  • Be able to identify four steps academic leaders can take to increase their capacity for authentic leadership.

  • Know two steps for enhancing a culture of integrity in organizational units.

  • Understand elements of courageous followership





Creating Ethical Organizations


              Whether in the public, nonprofit, or corporate sector, organizations exert powerful influences on those who work within them and those whom they serve. It is easy to identify unethical organizations, those brought down by dishonesty, deception, greed, or corruption. It’s more challenging, though, to identify the building blocks of ethical organizations and to benchmark where any given organization is on the continuum between greatness and disaster.  

              This workshop examines the roles that leadership, culture, mission, and policies play in inviting or inhibiting organizational and individual integrity. Participants will use cases to examine the ethical health of an organization and to design strategies for improving the ethical climate in various types of settings.

              At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be familiar with:

  • Research on the effect of leadership and leaders on ethical organizations

  • Research on the roles that corporate culture, norms, mission and policies play in enhancing or inhibiting ethics.

  • Kidder’s paradigm for classifying dilemmas, as applied to organizational matters

  • Strategies for evaluating the health of an organization’s ethical climate.

  • the link between moral courage and organizational ethics

  • Resources for support and continuing education in organizational ethics



Developing and Supporting Emerging Leaders


This workshop can be customized to include specialized content for academic leadership

Effective organizations are adept at succession planning. This involves identifying and preparing promising, diverse personnel for a variety of possible positions. This presentation helps leaders, administrators, and supervisors avoid haphazard leadership cultivation by offering feasible and scalable processes focused on mentoring, role transitions, onboarding and just-in-time information and support.


Objectives: At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Understand the importance, scope, and structure of mentoring

  • Appreciate ambivalence and challenges in moving from peer-to-leader roles

  • Consider strategies for identifying promising leaders

  • Identify the developmental needs of emerging leaders and the education and support needed to prepare and support them

  • Apply course content to a case example




Dialogue on Dilemmas


            Though ethical dilemmas are a common and often vexing aspect of professional practice, few opportunities exist to safely and thoughtfully explore them. This seminar creates such a space. The seminar begins with a review of the sources of dilemmas and systems for categorizing and resolving them. The remainder of the session is devoted to facilitated discussion about group- or instructor-generated dilemmas.

              Participants in this seminar learn:

  • Five sources of dilemmas

  • Nine core ethical standards

  • The 6Q model for ethical decision making

  • Kidder’s paradigm for classifying dilemmas

  • Creative strategies for solving particular dilemmas

  • Seven resources for continued ethical development



Ethical Action in Challenging Times


Whether in the boardroom, the locker room, the classroom or the dining room, most of us are at some time confronted with the choice to speak up in defense of an ethical principle such as honesty, fairness, or justice. “Ethical action” is our capacity to respond when the situation arises. Such actions, while valuable, do not usually come easily or naturally. Yet their expression is important for the wellbeing of our relationships, our organizations, and our communities.

In this session, participants engage in dialogue about ethical action, the pressures not to do “the right thing", and the skills and resources we all can draw on to act with moral courage. In particular, participants will

  • Learn about moral distress, moral courage, role models for courage, and the barriers to acting ethically

  • Understand the ethical principles and standards upon which ethical actions rest

  • Discover options for ethical decision making and strategies for acting effectively on those decisions

  • Identify resources for lifelong learning    




Ethical Boundaries: Avoiding the Slippery Slope


              Codes of ethics in the health and helping professions all address the avoidance of conflicts of interest and the potential for damage from dual relationships. In this seminar, participants will explore the array of boundary issues that are common to professional practice and the conflicts of interest that can result. Through discussion, participants will utilize decision-making strategies to learn how to avoid such dilemmas, and how to set clear, appropriate and culturally sensitive boundaries when such conflicts are unavoidable.

              At the conclusion of this session, participants will:

  • Be able to identify conflicts of interest and understand dual relationships and sexual impropriety as particular forms of conflicts of interest

  • Distinguish between avoidable dual relationships and those that are not

  • Understand the variables to weigh in responding appropriately to unavoidable dual relationships

  • Apply the knowledge and skills for boundary setting to case examples

  • Be familiar with the resources for learning more about dilemmas in this domain of practice



Ethical Practice in Supervision


              Corporate wrongdoing, plagiarism cases and other scandals are but a few recent examples of lapses in ethical conduct in modern-day America. Helping professionals are not immune to ethical challenges as they strive to address difficult situations with scarce resources and increased pressures for efficiency. Supervisory personnel bear additional responsibility in helping to guide appropriate conduct in their supervisees.

              This workshop reviews key ethical principles for effective supervision and the resources and strategies to successfully implement them. Participants will apply key principles to case vignettes drawn from supervisory practice. In attending the seminar participants will 

  • Be familiar with the major tenets on supervision in ethical codes, such as those of the APA, ACA and NASW.

  • Learn recent findings about ethics complaints as they relate to supervisory activities.

  • Learn about best practices in effective, ethical supervisory relationships

  • Practice strategies for weighing and resolving ethical dilemmas in supervision

  • Identify resources for continued learning




Ethics and Partner Violence


Staff and volunteers in the field of partner violence face multiple risks and challenges in upholding their ethical obligations while responding to the needs of their clients in volatile relationships and demanding service environments. This seminar examines some of those ethical and clinical tensions and introduces strategies to address them.

In this session participants will

  • Recognize the ethical and clinical tensions in services in the field of interpersonal violence

  • Will be familiar with four key concepts in ethics: confidentiality, conflicts of interest, boundaries and self-determination

  • Learn an ethical decision-making strategy

  • Apply the model to cases related to the four key concepts

  • Engage in problem-solving around commonly occurring ethical dilemmas in this field

  • Identify resources for continued learning




Ethics in Administration


Whether in the public, corporate or nonprofit sector, individuals in administrative and leadership positions face unique challenges as they strive to balance competing demands, values, and constituencies. With such responsibilities also come great powers. It is easy to identify leaders who have used their positions to improve communities and create healthy and effective workplaces. Unfortunately, it is perhaps easier to identify administrators whose decisions were personally ruinous as well as destructive to employees and customers.

This session will examine the competing values that create ethical dilemmas in leadership, describe a process for resolving dilemmas and discuss the resources administrators can draw on for inspiration and action in difficult situations. Participants will have the opportunity to apply these insights to ethical dilemmas drawn from various administrative roles and settings. 

At the conclusion of the session participants will:

  • Understand ethical dilemmas arising from competing interests

  • Possess a framework for classifying dilemmas

  • Understand a six-step strategy for resolving ethical dilemmas

  • Understand the principles of moral courage and the barriers to acting with courage

  • Be able to apply these concepts to at least one dilemma arising in leadership or administrative positions

  • Be knowledgeable about inspirational and educational resources for ethical action by administrators.




Ethics in Field Education


              Field instructors play multiple, significant roles in the preparation of the next generation of social work professionals. They are teachers, mentors, evaluators, supervisors, and learners, as students expose them to novel problems and questions. This session is designed to help participants comfortably undertake those roles, addressing fundamentals of professional ethics, ethical decision making, and ethical action, as well as group problem solving on commonly occurring dilemmas.

              At the end of the workshop, participants will be familiar with:

  • Five sources of dilemmas

  • Kidder’s paradigm for classifying dilemmas

  • Nine core ethical standards

  • The six-question model for ethical decision making

  • Moral courage as a foundation for ethical action

  • Strategies for applying these concepts to scenarios common to supervision, teaching and student placements

  • Resources for support and continuing education in ethics




Ethics in Interprofessional Practice


For years, professionals from various disciplines have collaborated to deliver health, mental health, and other services. With the growth of team science, integrated health care, and other approaches, it is wise to examine the ethical challenges that can arise in such teams and foster strategies to create a unifying ethical culture.

 At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Identify common ethical dilemmas emerging in interdisciplinary teams or settings

  • Examine historical precedents for current ethical dilemmas

  • Understand the consequences when ethics disputes are unaddressed

  • Learn the building blocks of ethical culture

  • Apply strategies for addressing ethics disputes to cases involving privacy, informed consent, and conflicts of interest




From Colleague to Leader: Addressing the Ethical Challenges


In many work settings, new supervisors, managers, and administrators are hired from within the organization. While this can have advantages terms of understanding the workplace, challenges, and opportunities, it can also be a stressful and isolating experience as the new appointee navigates existing relationships and boundaries. This program focuses on resources to address common dilemmas experiences in the transition from peer to leader, with special attention to managing ethical issues surrounding privacy, competence, and conflicts of interest.

At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Identify five tensions in the peer-to-leader transition and the ways they may manifest in the workplace

  • Learn French and Raven’s model of power

  • Understand ethics concepts of conflicts of interest, dual relationships, boundaries, confidentiality, and competence as they apply to leadership roles

  • Know at least five strategies and skills to employ for ethical dilemmas associated with internal promotions

  • Apply skills and strategies to at least one case involving the leadership transition.



Integrity Amid Adversity


Integrity is a quality of reliably doing the right thing. However, competitive pressures, unrealistic workloads, efficiency mandates, pressing deadlines, and bureaucratic red tape can all turn well-meaning workplaces into environments where integrity suffers. This session will address the ways to reclaim and sustain personal and organizational integrity amid challenging circumstances.


At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Understand the definitions and manifestations of integrity

  • Identify common daily threats to integrity

  • Become familiar with related concepts

  • Learn at least five steps or resources to manage adverse conditions

  • Apply steps and resources to a case of integrity under attack.




Know Your Code, Live Your Code


Doreta sees an elderly driver in a mall parking lot sideswipe a parked car and hit it again while maneuvering into a parking space.


Fred knows his son is having an extramarital affair and his daughter-in-law suspects nothing.


Sam and Jenna’s teenage daughter is aware of a “cheating ring” at her high school. Sam believes she should keep her mouth shut and Jenna believes she should speak up.


Corporations and professional groups use ethics codes to set forth their standards and regulate compliance. How do individuals decide what code to live by? How can individuals become their own ethicists? People construct their codes from various sources: faith traditions, family values, personal experiences and rules and laws. But sometime the challenge is in articulating a coherent personal code that we can stand by through thick and thin.

In this thought provoking and lively workshop, participants will

  • Define their core principles

  • Understand the sources and nature of personal values

  • Consider and construct a personal code

  • Test the code against the challenges of everyday life.

  • Learn about and develop resources for support and continuing education in ethics




Leading with Moral Courage


This workshop can be modified for setting: higher education, governance, nonprofits, corporate, public service 

              Vast pressures face today’s executives, managers, board members, and employees.  A core capacity for successful leadership is the willingness to act on principle in the service of the organization, even if it means taking positions that are difficult or unpopular. While knowledge and skills are required to detect impropriety or other areas of organizational risk, a vital third component is the willingness to act in order to lead with integrity. This workshop introduces the concept of moral courage and the barriers that can impede ethical action, and provides tools and exemplars to overcome those barriers.

              Participants in this session will:

  • Learn definitions of moral courage and the distinction from physical courage

  • Be familiar with at least one case of failings in moral courage

  • Understand the nine barriers to acting with courage

  • Learn at least three strategies for engaging in ethical action

  • Apply the course concepts to personal cases or provided vignettes.

  • Be familiar with resources on moral courage and ethical action




Learning Ethics from History: Professional Complicity in Oppressive Practices


History reveals episodes where social workers, physicians, psychologists and otherwise noble professionals played integral roles in inhumane policies and practices. This session examines these historic events, including the U.S. eugenics movement and the internment of Japanese citizens. We will discuss the lessons these episodes offer for ethical action and resistance amid contemporary pressures to misuse professional authority, particularly with already marginalized populations.


At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Be familiar with at least one historicepisodeofoppression




Managing Risk through Ethical Practice


              Ethical practice has received increased attention in the past decade as a result of concerns about managing malpractice risk, assuring quality service delivery and demonstrating professional competence to the satisfaction of clients, stakeholders and regulatory agencies. Paralleling this sensitivity is the concern that ethical vulnerability has also skyrocketed ‑ cases are increasingly complex and multidimensional, the "stakes" of bad decisions are high, and the available resources to address client needs are shrinking while pressures for efficiency are rising.

              This workshop will review some of these ethical pressures and the strategies to effectively deal with them. At the conclusion of the day you will:

  • Be familiar with the profession’s code of ethics and nine ethical standards that transcend helping professions.

  • Be able to apply ethical decision making to case examples from across the practice spectrum

  • Understand how research on ethics complaints, violations and malpractice claims can help improve your practice,

  • Be familiar with resources to enhance ethical decision making, and

  • Be able to identify red flags associated with ethically risky practice.




Moral Courage


From baseball fields to board rooms, the daily news is filled with examples of lapses in ethical conduct. Many of today's scandals were years in the making. How did they get this far without anyone standing up to say, "This is wrong."? Could well-intentioned people, acting with moral courage, have affected the course of events before they got out of hand?

In all walks of life, ethical challenges arise not in knowing the right thing to do, but in doing the right thing under adverse circumstances—in a corrupt organizational climate or amid a risk to one’s livelihood. Yet without the courage to stand for those standards we value, what meaning do the standards have?

              In this session, we'll discuss the pressures not "to do the right thing", and the skills and resources we all can draw on to act with moral courage. Participants will

  • Understand definitions and examples of moral courage

  • Identify situations that call for moral courage

  • Understand the barriers to acting on ethics

  • Develop strength and confidence in ethical action

  • Discover resources for continued learning



Out of the Office: Ethics in In-Home Care


Practitioners in many health and helping professions deliver their services outside the office environment. While natural settings such as clients’ homes and communities offer great therapeutic advantages, they may also give rise to complex or unanticipated ethical challenges.

In this session, participants will learn about the unique features of natural settings, be come familiar with a user-friendly model for ethical decision making and apply it to dilemmas arising in a variety of non-office environments. At the conclusion of this session, participants will:

  • Learn the ABCDE model for making ethical decisions.

  • Identify ethical dilemmas that are unique to practice in natural settings

  • Demonstrate ethical decision making using the ABCDE model of ethical decision making

  • Identify resources for continued learning




Professional Ethics and Social Networks


            The emergence of online networking through sites such as Twitter and Facebook creates unique challenges in the application of familiar ethical and managerial concepts. Client privacy, public relations and marketing, worker self-disclosure, conflicts of interest and informed consent all take on new form and complexity amid technological advances. This workshop introduces the features of social networking and explores the risks and rewards of conscious use of networking sites in professional practice.

Participants in this seminar learn:

  • Features, controls, uses, and misuses of sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and CaringBridge

  • The ways in which social networking may be used to advance personal, professional, organizational, and therapeutic goals

  • Practical and ethical considerations in boundary setting, self-disclosure, confidentiality, and professional integrity

  • The imbedded hazards in access to clients’ sites, workers’ sites, and in linkages between the two.

  • Illustrative case examples 




Research Ethics: Beyond Fraud and the IRB


              Too often, discussions of research ethics center on the steps needed to avoid fraud or protect human subjects. These topics, while important, are only a fraction of the considerations for ethical research, and excessive attention to them obscures other important and meaningful considerations. Ethical dilemmas are inherent throughout the research process, from the decision about what to study and how to study it, through analysis and dissemination of findings. This presentation will address and illustrate these dilemmas and offer recommendations for strengthening research integrity.


At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Identify the differences between compliance, ethics, and integrity

  • Know at least five examples of “imbedded ethics”

  • View ethics through a competing goods paradigm

  • Be able to identify ethical dimensions in problem formation, research design, team dynamics, and dissemination.

  • Understand at least three measures to uncover and address imbedded ethics in a research project.





Schooled by Scandal: Ethics

In 2011, a grand jury indictment in Pennsylvania sparked outrage over 20 years of individual and institutional failure to detect and act on the systemic abuse of minors. Why didn’t people who heard about or observed heinous acts speak up? When they did speak up, why didn’t anyone take action? Why did investigations fail to lead to meaningful results? The public outcry about these questions is lined to another significant, more personal question, “What if I was one of the observers? Would I have behaved differently?”

This program uses the Penn State/Second Mile scandal to examine the concept of moral courage. What opportunities existed for ethical action? What led to failures to act? How can those lessons be applied to our own lives to strengthen our own families, institutions, and communities? Participants will:

  • Learn about moral courage, moral cowardice, and the barriers to acting ethically.

  • Examine facts related to Penn State and The Second Mile and identify lapses in ethical action.

  • Learn three tools that can assist change agents in standing up for ethical principles.

  • Use the Penn State/Second Mile case to identify strategies for carrying out ethical decisions.

  • Know about resources for further information on ethics.               




SUPERvision: Successfully and Ethically Navigating All Phases of the Supervisory Role


The life of a supervisor can be both challenging and rewarding. It demands self-awareness, a solid knowledge base, the skills to engage effectively with a range of supervisees and issues, and the ability to respond to unexpected events. Through presentations, discussions and case examples, this workshop will equip participants with tools to structure and engage in effective supervisory relationships.

At the conclusion of this session, participants will:

  • Know at least four different types and theories of supervision

  • Understand contracting and structural processes to engage with new supervisees

  • Appreciate the roles that power and difference play in the supervisory dyad

  • Understand the features and skills for 1:1, group, and peer supervision

  • Develop insight into personal supervisory strengths and weaknesses

  • Develop skills for addressing ethical dilemmas, competency issues and other supervisory challenges





The Ethics of Attraction


While the health and helping professions have clear prohibitions on sexual involvement with clients, there is less guidance about the phenomena that can lead to such transgressions. How can clinicians assure that the warmth, trust, and positive regard that are hallmarks of the helping relationship do not become distorted and destructive and that nascent feelings of attraction are not ignored or mishandled?

In this session, we will explore the attraction spectrum and the indications that arise when affinity for a client has ceased to be constrictive. Through the presentation and discussions of cases, participants will learn:

  • Strategies for ethically responding to and addressing affection in an ethical manner

  • The clinical signs of client attraction

  • The red flags that precede sexual impropriety

  • The skills and strategies educators, clinicians and supervisors can use to effectively address attraction to clients

  • To apply the knowledge and skills for risk assessment and management to case examples

  • The resources for learning more about dilemmas in this domain of practice






The Ethics of Practice with Minors


Social workers and other professionals in child-serving settings strive to meet serious human needs in an often fragmented and frustrating social service environment. Every day, in schools, hospitals, child protective, residential and other settings, a delicate balancing act takes place between the constraints of policies and resources and the needs of clients. In addition to providing services that are clinically sound and responsive to their clients’, workers must also be attuned to the ethical dimensions their cases present. How can they uphold principles such as confidentiality, informed consent and self-determination with a clientele whose rights and choices are constrained by age, maturity, and legal and parental prerogatives?

This workshop addresses the strategies helping professionals can use to bridge those tensions, to deliver effective, ethical services. Participants will learn about ethical decision making, explore the practice norms associated with various child-serving settings, and apply ethical, legal, and practice standards to work with minors. In particular, participants will:

  • Understand the ABCDE Model for making ethical decisions.

  • Understand how to distinguish legal responsibilities to minors from ethical and clinical responsibilities.

  • Appreciate the ways that agency norms and minors’ developmental stages affect the application of ethical concepts.

  • Practice ethical decision making using the ABCDE Model

  • Identify resources for continued learning





The Ethics of Professional Practice in Rural Settings


Close, overlapping, and interdependent relationships are all hallmarks of rural areas. The social structures of these communities are flexible and not highly differentiated, resulting in intersecting social and professional interactions that can test long-held ethical and clinical concepts, such as confidentiality, objectivity, competence, and client-practitioner boundaries. This workshop examines the features of rural social work practice as they relate to these ethical concepts and provides guidelines for appropriately addressing challenging situations.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

  • Explain five unique features of practice in rural areas

  • Describe four concepts on ethical practice

  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to employ the concept of “thick and thin” boundaries

  • Apply critical thinking to at least four commonly occurring ethical dilemmas experienced in rural practice. 







The Ethics of Responding to Clients and Crime


Helping professionals often encounter clients who are involved with the justice system, as crime victims, suspects, or offenders. These situations give rise to complex ethical dilemmas involving confidentiality, conflicts of interest, personal and public safety, and challenges in upholding the best interests of the client. The differences among the populations involved in the justice system and the wide variety of activities that may constitute “crime” further complicate the dilemmas.

This workshop addresses the unique considerations when serving justice-involved clients and the ethical standards that apply to dilemmas occurring with these populations. We will use case vignettes to operationalize workshop concepts and will provide resources for continued learning.

              At the conclusion of this session, participants will:

  • Be able to distinguish among categories of criminal disclosures, crimes, and non-crimes.

  • Distinguish between compelled and uncompelled therapist disclosures.

  • Understand the role that standards of informed consent, conflicts of interest, confidentiality and self-determination play in uncompelled disclosures.

  • Understand the clinical, ethical and legal pros and cons of uncompelled disclosures

  • Apply the concepts and standards on disclosure to case examples

  • Be familiar with the resources for learning more about dilemmas in this domain of practice



The Ethics of Social Justice: What do our Codes Require? 


Black lives matter. Contaminated drinking water. Building a wall. Refugee crises. “Me, Too”. Cancel culture. Voting rights. The past several years have been a watershed for issues that call for social justice. What does it mean to be ethical or unethical in upholding the values and standards of social justice? How can helping professionals carry out their obligations in the face of an array of challenging conditions? What options are available when personal beliefs or employers’ expectations clash with interests in social justice?

              This presentation will explore these issues and offer guidelines for thinking about and advancing social justice in light of competing pressures.    


At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Know their profession’s relevant principles and standards regarding social justice

  • Understand the five strategies for ethically advancing social justice

  • Recognize the role of civil disobedience in contemporary responses to social justice

  • Understand three options for addressing personal and professional conflicts of interest in regard to acts of social justice.





The Visible Helper: Navigating Our Public and Private Selves


The concept of purposeful use of self suggests that clinicians are the vehicles by which relationships with clients are created and change occurs. Yet helping professionals are not blank slates. We carry with us our life experiences, personal characteristics, preferences and biases, families and community ties. How can we become aware of and channel these qualities so that they enhance practice rather than derail it? How can we tell when certain experiences or traits are ill-suited for a particular setting or clientele? How can professionals live fully and visibly in their communities and their families while managing intrusions from their professional lives?

This workshop will draw from a variety of areas to offer answers to these questions and foster discussion about the complexities in successfully reconciling our personal our professional selves.

In this lively and thought-provoking workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the elements of professional use of self, including self-awareness, countertransference, professional development and self-regulation.

  • Be aware of the situations in which personal and professional worlds can overlap and identify instances when this is congruent or constructive and instances when it may be problematic.

  • Be familiar with the ethical concepts such as boundaries, conflicts of interest, self-disclosure, authenticity, and the differential application of these concepts in particular scenarios.

  • Be able to apply these concepts to dilemmas that may arise in rural service delivery, practice in the age of social networking, and in reconciling personal experiences and identities with professional roles.

  • Assist one another in problem solving to effectively resolve ethical dilemmas that arise at the intersection of personal and professional identities.




Understanding and Leveraging Your Leadership Style

This workshop can be customized to include specialized content for academic leadership


Effective organizations are adept at succession planning. This involves identifying and preparing promising, diverse personnel for a variety of possible positions. This presentation helps leaders, administrators, and supervisors avoid haphazard leadership cultivation by offering feasible and scalable processes focused on mentoring, role transitions, onboarding and just-in-time information and support.


At the conclusion of this program, participants will:

  • Understand leadership and the way it is expressed in given settings such as higher education, nonprofits, governance, or public service.

  • Learn about conflict style, influencing style, and attitudes toward conflict

  • Consider personal traits and preferences and their constructive use in various leadership roles and situations.

  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of particular styles for leadership objectives through case examples.

  • Apply skills and strategies to personal or provided cases.

Develop a list of resources and strategies for maximizing use of leadership style preferences.

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